Part 51: 08/01/09 - 08/16/09: The Butterfly Effect
Well, it's time again to take a brief romp through an alternative universe. That's always fun!
And we'll be starting things off with two real, full days of things. I know, I'm surprised too!
New Days
Remember Persona 4? Of course you do. You wouldn't be playing this if you didn't play that one first! It was the first game in the series after all.
...Hyperbole aside, there is absolutely no reason for this to even be a thing really. It's such a lazy hamfisted thing (P4 did the same too, but at least made it semi-relevant but not really) that I just have to roll my eyes. And I would still be doing the same thing if this was, say, Seven Sisters instead, yes. Difference is that won't happen because that involves acknowledging Persona 1 and 2 exist outside of cutesy references, whereas Persona 4 is/was milkable for easy money, so people who played that can get the "reference." And, hey, that's fine. Everyone's gotta start somewhere, and all, but the Persona 1/2 stuff is incidental background details that are optional. The Persona 4 stuff is plot mandatory and cannot be missed, and it's not a cute little sneak preview thing either...
I realise I'm almost certainly more eye-rollingly annoyed by this than it warrants, and you almost certainly don't care anywhere near as much. If it was less in-your-face about it, I probably wouldn't be as bothered by it really.
> A joint practice with the students at this school is scheduled for today and tomorrow...

There's no convenience stores nearby, and no clubs either.

I want all of you to be on your best behavior, okay?
Gekkoukan Students: It's a pleasure to meet you.
Yasoinaba Students: It's a pleasure for us too!

Might as well try going all the way to the mountains for our runs.

Our region's pretty flat, so this'll be good practice.
Yasoinaba Students: ...Aren't we supposed to like, bond in a fellowship? Why's she bringing up stuff like basic drills...?
Gekkoukan Students: Who's the liar who said that this'd be a paradise with hot springs...?

Afterwards, let's do a couple sets of muscle training, and then a match.
Girl's Voice: How about... the losing side cleans up afterwards?

Anyways, wouldn't you guys take the challenge more seriously if there was something at stake?

That's true.

It's not like you guys usually care about winning anyways, so why not?

...Are you saying that's how our team is?

Well, maybe you're right.

Alright, then not only will the losing school have to clean up... let's add 10 wind sprints to the bet!
Gekkoukan Students: It's up to 10...!?
Yasoinaba Students: We can't lose...!

Okay, time for the sprints, then!

...Me too?

Of course. This was your idea.

Yes, Ma'am...
> The fellowship ended without any problems...

Wanna wash each other's backs later?

Sounds like fun.

This is so fun! Last year's fellowhop wasn't too far from our school.

This place is so laid back... I love it.

That shopping district seems pretty lively, though. What a peaceful town... It'd be nice to live here.
> At that moment, a girl noticed you and came over...

The Amagi Inn sent me to get you.

Huh? Oh, th-thank you very much.

Um... You don't work there, do you?
So, yeah, almost the entire reason this exists is for this one cameo that adds nothing and if it was removed you wouldn't miss it.
It was mentioned in-thread already, but if you're playing Portable as Makoto instead, then you get a clunkily added Persona 4 reference at the Yakushima beach. So,
y'know, it is always mandatory and there's nothing you can do about it. Why? Because Persona 4 is popular or something, I guess.

The hostess's daughter... So does that make you a junior hostess?


Oh, are you in high school?

No... I'm still in middle school.

You're in middle school and you're already helping with the family business...? Man, talk about responsible...

So are you going to inherit the business?

That... I don't know yet.
Remember how in P4 this was a core part of her character? Well, this is pretty much the equivalent to an anime filler scene so we can't have anyone have a different personality trait. She was conflicted when she was 16 and it sort of mattered, so she's gotta be conflicted when she was 14 and it didn't.

...Hey, don't stick your nose in other people's business!

Yes, Ma'am... Sorry. People are always telling me I''m nosy...

Oh, that's all right...

It's fun chatting with people from outside town...

Oh, Kasai-san. Car keys...? Why would I... Huh? What's this?
> Yukiko pulled something from her pocket...
> ...It seems to be car keys.
Kimono-Clad Woman: No worries. Well, I'm heading out to get some groceries.

Oh, do you want me to go instead?
Kimono-Clad Woman: N-No, that's fine! No need to send you on that kind of errand, Yuki-chan! Plus, they'd be too heavy for you... By the way, Chie-chan stopped by. She said she needed help with her homework.

Oh, okay.
Kimono-Clad Woman: ...Oh, are you all guests? Forgive me for ramblng on like that. I'm a waitress at the Amagi Inn. I hope you enjoy your stay tonight.
> The waitress left...

I'm sorry about the wait. Shall we go? This way please.
Like A Dream Come True

So huge... So luxurious...

Is it really okay for people like us to stay here? Won't we get a scolding?

From who?

Huh? Umm... The government?

...And hey, this isn't your room, Yuko.

Yeah, about that! You gotta hear this!

Kaz... You mean Kazushi?

Wait, he's here too?

...Huh? Wasn't Kazushi supposed to take part in the tournament?

I was supposed to stay behind... to sort of look after him. He's injured, so we're trying a hot-springs cure!

I'm gonna get the most out of this trip by clearing up my skin, too!


...Wait. Did you say you were in the same room?

Kazushi... is a guy, right?

Ms. Kanou's assigned the rooms, right? What the hell was she thinking?

Just stay in our room.

Man, I owe you for offering. If I couldn't sleep here I would've had to sleep out in the hall.

...Er, I mean I'd have kicked Kaz out into the hall, of course.

By the way, Kazushi's injured...? Is he okay?

No, it's pretty bad. That's why we're relying on the hot-springs cure...

He's such an idiot! A total dumbass! He got me so worried!

...Sounds like you two are perfect for each other.

What? You gotta be jok-- Wait, what time is it?

Oops, it's time for Kaz's medication. Well, see you later!

She's kinda like... a mom. Though I know she'd hate it if I told her so.
> After taking a bath with everyone, you lazily talked about random things on the futon...

What, like boyfriends?

Yep, exactly!

Well... I'd be confessing my love if there was anyone I really liked.

I'd prefer a thin guy, but he'd have to be athletic...

And there's no one at our school who fits that description.
Yeah, uh, without Makoto there that's mostly true it seems like. Of course, that's still sorta one...

What about Kazushi?

No way.


Uhh, but I do have this feeling...

This is just an if, okay?

IF Kaz and me don't end up finding someone for a long time...
That, uh... that sure is a thing that can totally definitely just sorta kinda happen by accident. Yep.

Ack, what should I do!?

What kind of premonition is that...?

I mean, he's completely useless without me.

There's no way he'll even remember where he keeps his underwear.

Imagine him getting old all alone and eating nasty convenience store food every day!

It's just so sad!

That's quite an imagination.

...So, what about you, Kotone-san? You've got someone you like, right?


Oooh! Who!?

It's Akihiko-sempai.

The really popular guy, right? Wow, you beat the odds!

...Oh, but you guys live in the same dorm, don't you? So you have an advantage over everyone else.
Trust me, it really doesn't help.

Well, if you put your mind to it, I'm sure it'll work out!

You two seem like you're having fun... I really don't get that sort of thing...

Ugh, I don't want to think any more about a future with Kaz.

Hmm, that's fine with me, but I don't scare easily.

...I do know a lot of stores, though.

Let's hear 'em... Although the way you say that is already giving me goosebumps.

O-One sec!
> Yuko left the room...

Just shut it! Hey guys, I brought him!
> Yuko dragged your classmate Kazushi into the room...

It's okay. Just stay here, all right?

...Okay, Rio. Do your worst.

Is he your good luck charm?

N-No! I just... wanted him here.

A future with Kaz, eh?

No no, I never said that!

You're supposed to tell scary stories with four people! That's the rules!

C'mon... Hurry up and let's go in order!

...Alright, I'll go first.

This story's about the tunnel we passed through today...

Ack, don't choke me! Get off! You're stepping on my foot, too!
The lights come back on.

Whew... The lights are back...

Wh-Where's the phone!?
> Yuko started calling somewhere...

Hello, front desk?

Um, about the blackout just now...



Oh, thanks...

What're we gonna do!? That was a real supernatural phenomenon...

Lights always turn on and off, though.

Are you an idiot!? The fact that they went out without anyone touching them means...!

Ughhh, let's just stop talking about it! I'm pretending that never happened!
> .....
> The remote for the lights is on the ground near your feet...
> .....
> You decide to keep quiet about this...
> A noisy, but fun, night passes...
New Days

Well, thanks a bunch for all your help. We'll remember what we learned here and keep trying our hardest.
Gekkoukan Students: Thank you very much!
Yasoinaba Students: Have a safe trip back.

Yeah... I just didn't get any sleep...

I saw... people's faces in the walls...

You're just exaggerating... Want me to give you a piggyback ride if you're not feelin' well?

...You moron! Your leg's hurt!

What're you talking about!? I'd rather give you a piggyback ride!

Haha. See? You're exaggerating again.

Oh, thanks for taking the time to come see us off.

She said she saw people's faces showing up in the inns's walls.

Ack, you idiot!

Oh, you saw them too?

There's always a few at old inns, so there's no need to worry.

Always... a few?

That was definitely not a joke...

C'mon, let's go home.

Well, then I must part here. Please have a safe trip back.
> Yukiko left...
She... came over here just to... ???? and then leave. I really don't follow this.

I mean, she was real cute... Maybe she was the one!

Really cute girls are ghosts? That's all the proof I need to know you're human.

What? Say that again to my face!

Hey, stop tryin' to step on my foot!

...Oh, that reminds me. I got a call about the tournament a moment ago.
Oh no, no Niimura!
...wait, who's Niimura?

Not only that, they couldn't find him at his house, either.

Does... that mean he's missing!? Did he run away from home? Maybe he was freaked out about the competition?


Or, wait... Is it because of that Apathy Syndrome thing...?

No idea... hopefully he shows up soon. He was a great guy...


...A-Anyways, let's go home! C'mon, let's do our clap and put this to bed!

Why're you the one leading the clap...?
> And so, the joint practice trip came to an end...
Iwatodai Dorm

Were there any cute girls at their school?

There was one beautiful girl.
There's no "no" answer. Even though we never actually saw anyone that wasn't that one cameo.


Man, I should've gone with you guys.

Is that all you ever think about...?

I mean, the moon's almost full. You shouldn't be joking around like that.

Yeah, next Thursday, the 6th.

Make sure you're ready.
We're not skipping all that far ahead, right now. We do have some Tartarus stuff to do before we have to worry about the Chariot and Justice fight.
Namely, there's a couple more folks to rescue. This random lady on the nicest floor...
And then this random schmuck on floor 83. That's it for these guys.
And our rewards for bothering to rescue them are... sorta useful, I guess. Divine Grace is a theoretically nice skill, since it doubles the amount of HP that (Me)Dia(rama) heals. It doesn't have long-term use, of course, but it can be nice to have.
Nothing's different about the full moon, of course, so we'll skip past that and go hang out with Theo.
Third Date With Theo

I see... I'm sensing mysterious presences here... They're different from the Shadows.

See, there's one behind you...
> ...Behind you!?

Now then... The first order of business is to worship at the shrine, correct?

Give it a try.

I think I will. You can watch from right there.

First, I put the coins in this wooden box...
> Theo pulled out a wallet while saying so.
> .....!?
It's a bit disappointing that Theo repeats this bit from Liz, but it sorta makes sense.

After which I must immediately swing the rope...

Lastly, I call out my wish...



This isn't good... I'm drawing a blank on what to wish for.

But it would be improper not to call out a wish...

> Theo began praying enthusiastically...

I wish that my dear friend Kotone remains...

> Theo fell silent...

W-Would you perhaps mind... not listening?

It's odd, I admit, but for some reason I don't feel comfortable knowing that you're listening...
> Theo is mumbling...
> ...Theo seems to have concluded the ritual by whispering his wish.

Everything will be all right now. You'll be protected for all eternity.

Do you intend to pray for anything?

For the worlds' safety.
> You put your hands together and prayed.

...It isn't mandatory to call out one's wish?

If that's so, then why didn't you...

Well, never mind.

Excuse me... I've been wondering since our arrival, but these structures over here... Could these be...?
> Theo is gazing at the park built near the shrine.

Is this... a house?

You play with them.

You... play with them...?



H-How does it work?
> Theo's eyes are glistening...

I-Is it like this?

And like this!
> Theo eagerly stood on top of the horizontal bar...

It's... quite difficult... to maintain... one's balance... on these...

It takes practice.

S-So I see.
> Theo is desperately trying to keep his balance...
> .....?
> Theo jumped down.

...Why are you laughing like that?
> You spent an invigorating afternoon with Theo.

Thank you for a fulfilling afternoon today as well.


I must let you go home soon...



I wonder what this is... I don't... understand either.


...Let us return.

Ah, we're approaching the stairs. Please mind your step...
> You returned to the Velvet Room with Theo.
At least Theo's still pretty fun and uniquely interesting in a way.
Next we're skipping ahead a week to after Koromaru's joined the gang.
Which means that we can finally put this Dog Food we made, for some reason, to good use!
After School
> Koromaru seems happy...


> Koromaru is waiting patiently...

> Koromaru is waiting patiently...

> ...You're starting to feel sorry for him.
> You gave into his pitiful look and gave him the "okay"...

> Koromaru began eating while wagging his tail!

*munch* *munch*
> Koromaru keeps eating...

It's delicious, huh?

> Koromaru is still eating...

> Koromaru has finished eating and seems satisfied...


> Koromaru put his front paw on your hand...
> ...He seems a bit proud.
> Koromaru doesn't seem cautious about you... It seems he's gotten quite attached to you.
> You sense a faint bond with Koromaru...
Instead of getting a S.Link with Yuko, Kotone gets to hang out with Koromaru. This is the best S.Link.
The best.
> Koromaru is stretching contentedly...
> You spent a peaceful moment with Koromaru...
Next thing of note is that summer festival. That's certainly something, alright.

No thanks.

Aww, alright. Oh well... See ya.


All right, then I'll see you later.
> You have decided to go to the Summer Festival with Akihiko.
After School
> The shrine is filled with people eating food and playing games.

There's a lot of people too... Make sure you don't get separated, okay?

I'll be okay!

Haha, don't be mad. I wasn't trying to treat you like a little kid.

Now, let's go pay a visit to the shrine first.
> Akihiko seems to be having fun...

You didn't have to wear a yukata here, you know?

Oh, er...

I didn't mean... well, um...

It... makes it hard to look directly at you.

> It seems Akihiko is very happy to see you wearing it...

...Something smells good.

Takoyaki, huh... Wanna share one? It's my treat.

Excuse me, one takoyaki please.
Takoyaki Cook: Say, is this your girlfriend? Ahh, the good ol' days of youth.
...uh, that sure is a surprisingly angry reaction

Oh... Um...

> Akihiko quietly put a takoyaki in his mouth.

> It seems to have been hot...

But I came out victorious in the end.

Here, eat up.
> You shared the takoyaki with Akihiko as he egged you on to dig in...
> You walked around the different shops together...
It's not super easy to see, but the Master Joker masks are still there. As are the Phoenix Rangers.

500 yen, huh...?

I can actually afford these now.

...They were too expensive for me to buy when I was a kid.

When I came to festivals, I'd just wander around and go home because I couldn't buy anything.

Now I actually have the money...
Game Attendant: All you do is pick a ball! It's easy! And everyone's a winner!

Lucky Draw, huh...?

I've always doubted whether it's really possible to win the stuff on display.

Give it a try, Kotone. I'll pay for it.
> You stuck your hand inside the big box that the game attendant held out to you...
> The box is filled with individually numbered balls...
> You stirred the balls around before picking one out.
Game Attendant: Whoa! Congratulations!
Game Attendant: Here's your prize. It's a Jack Frost Doll!
> Obtained Jack Frost Doll

It would've been amazing if you'd won first place...

Though I'd hate for you to use up all your luck here, of all places.

Oh, you're the one who drew the win, so the prize is yours.

...I'm saying that you can have it.
> The sky is covered in darkness.

It's completely dark out. Looks like we've been here for quite a while.

I had fun taking a breather today. ...Thank you.
> You decided to go back to the dorm.
And we'll take a bit of a break ourselves here. I didn't think that'd be needed for August, but alas...